Friday, February 12, 2010

About Valentine's Day

13th Feb 2010

Dear Brother

Happy valentine's Day

It's the one single day I used to hate the most every year. Oddly enough, it used to be the date I loved the most during my younger days. I guess, for years, I have been oscillating between extreme cynicism and hopeless romantic teenage moron when it comes to love and romance. I guess it's time to let both of that go.

I have plan to go around town with my 2 ex-girlfriends (yes, I used to be that desirable, and no, I don't know what happened to me) doing weird anti-Valentine pranks  to couples. Sound Exciting isn't it!

I guess I need to let the past go. People I hurt. People that used to heart me. I need to let that go to be able to look forward and be in love again.

2010 is the year I'm over all my heartbreaks and ready for a new fresh start.

So well, hope that stupid Cupid will finally starts doing his job right :p

You too, don't let 14 pass by without some memorable puppy love. And as a 24 dude, good luck with chicks, they are like the hardest creatures to understand :)

Happy Valentine's Day

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